Nowak Magdalena

Assoc. Prof., Dr. hab. Magdalena Nowak has been working at the Institute of History (Faculty of History, University of Gdańsk) since 1996. From 2008 to 2012 she was the Deputy Dean (Students and Education) of the Faculty of History. 2015-2019 she was the head of Historical Tourism Working Team, Institute of History. 1986-1991 she completed her historical studies at the University of Gdańsk. In 2004 she received her Doctor’s Degree (PHD) in Humanities (University of Gdańsk). In 2019 she completed her habilitation at Faculty of History, University of Gdańsk. She conducted her research in Poland, in Lviv, Ukraine (2000-2010) and in Vienna as a beneficent of Lanckoroński Fund Scholarship in Vienna (2008, 2009).

Her scholarly interests include: Polish-Ukrainian relations of 19th and 20th centuries; relations between the Latin- and Greek-rite of the Catholic Churches; the development of national consciousness of Poles and Ukrainians; the shaping of national identity of Metropolitan Archbishop Andrei Sheptyts’kyi (1865-1944), history of tourism.

So far Prof. Nowak has published 52 scholarly publications. Among other, she has published five books: as an author: Narodowcy i Ukraińcy. Narodowa Demokracja wobec mniejszości ukraińskiej w Polsce 1922 – 1939 (Nationalists and Ukrainians. National Democracy towards Ukrainian Minority in Poland 1922-1939) Gdańsk 2007, Wydawnictwo UG, pp. 305; three as a co-editor: Historia-Mentalność-Tożsamość. Rosja i Europa Zachodnia w polskiej i ukraińskiej historiografii XIX i XX wieku (History-Mentality-Identity. Russia and Western Europe in Polish and Ukrainian Historiography in 19th and 20th century), ed. E. Koko, M. Nowak, L. Zaszkilniak, Gdańsk 2013, Wydawnictwo UG, pp. 614; Polacy i Ukraińcy. Historia, która łączy i dzieli/Поляки і українці Історія, яка поєднує і роз’єднує (The Polish and the Ukrainians. History that Unites and Divides), ed. nauk. Joanna Karbarz-Wilińska, Magdalena Nowak, Tadeusz Sucharski, Słupsk-Gdańsk 2015, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pomorskiej w Słupsku, pp. 391; Podróż z książką w ręku, Gdańskie Teki Turystyczno-Krajoznawcze, t. 4, ed. M. Nowak, M. Petelska, I. Sakowicz, Wydawnictwo UG, Gdańsk 2020, pp. 322. Her latest achievement is a book (her habilitation work) devoted to Metropolitan Sheptyts’kyi entitled Dwa światy. Zagadnienie identyfikacji narodowej Andrzeja Szeptyckiego w latach 1865-1914 (Two worlds. The problem of Andrei Sheptyts’kyj’s national identification 1865-1914), Wydawnictwo UG, Gdańsk 2018, pp. 614. For this she has received three scholarly awards: the First Prize of Wydawnctwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego for the best scholarly book of 2018 (2019); the Second-Degree Individual Award of the Head of the University of Gdańsk (2019); nomination for the Wacław Felczak and Henryk Wereszycki Award (2020). This book is to be published in Ukrainian translation in 2021.

Prof. Nowak is a member of a couple of Polish and international scholarly associations: Historiography Association (Main Board - 2011 - ). Since 2014 she has been the Chair of its local Gdańsk branch. She has also been a member of International Scholarly Working Team „Historia-mentalność-tożsamość" (2007-2011), ASEEES (2016-) and The International Association for the Humanities MAG (2018-), Polish Studies Association (2021-), Polish History Society (2004-, Chair of Audit Board of Gdańsk Branch: 2016-2018, Board Member Gdańsk: 2019-2021).

ORCID: 0000-0003-3162-1339

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Submitted on Friday, 14. May 2021 - 14:02 by Wacław Kulczykowski Changed on Friday, 14. May 2021 - 21:00 by Wacław Kulczykowski