Możdżeń Julia
Julia Możdżeń, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at the Department of History of Poland and Auxiliary Sciences of History. Born in Toruń, Dr. Możdżeń graduated in history and ethnology (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń). She specializes in medieval studies and editing of historical primary sources. In her research she seeks to combine history with cultural and ethnographical contexts. She is interested in the life of the inhabitants of formerly Prussian cities, especially at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries. She is the author of books on the perceptions of the world by the inhabitants of Gdańsk, Toruń and Elbląg (see: „Zjawiska demoniczne w późnośredniowiecznych Prusach. W świetle kroniki Szymona Grunaua” [Demonic phenomena in late-medieval Prussia in the chronicle of Szymon Grunau],” Toruń 2010)) as well as „Przedstawianie świata przez dziejopisarzy gdańskich na przełomie XV i XVI w.” [Imagining the World by historians based in Gdańsk at the turn of 15th to 16th centuries], (Toruń 2016). Both works address the theme of demonic images of the former inhabitants of Prussia, witchcraft and magic as well as the inhabitant’s piety and their relationship with the natural world. In 2019, in cooperation with Marcin Sumowski and Kristina Stöbener, she edited „The Gdańsk Chronicle of Bernt Stegmann 1528.” This publication was recognized by the Stefan Kuczyński Award bestowed by the editors of a prestigious Polish periodical: „Studia Źródłoznawcze”.
Dr. Możdżeń is a recipient of the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz zu Berlin, Herder’s Institute in Marburg, the Bavarian Chancellery and the Polish Historical Mission at Julius-Maximilians Unversität Würzburg. She completed the Erster Alfried-Krupp Sommerkurs für Handschriftenkultur an der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig. In 2015-2019 she worked with Manuscripts and Old Prints at the Old Prints Section of the University Library in Toruń taking care i.a. of the former Castle Library of Prince Albrecht Hohenzollern.
Her current research is supported by the grant received from the National Science Center by the Scientific Society in Toruń. The title of the project is: „Normalizing the urban reality in late-medieval and early-modern Toruń”. Dr. Możdżeń’s part involves examination of changes in social disciplining based on the Toruń city laws. For more information follow the link:
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