
Wiktoria Choińska, MA, a graduate of Historical Tourism, student of History, distinguished in the XI Forum of Young Scientists

Changed on Wednesday, December 18, 2024 - 09:41

On December 6-7, 2024, Wiktoria Choińska, MA, a graduate of Historical Tourism, and currently a first-year MA student in History, took a part in the 11th Young Scientists' Forum "Natural and Medical Sciences". The online conference aimed to enable the exchange of experience between young scientists from various fields of science. Ms.

PhD student at the Faculty of History UG Mr. Anton Huz with a scholarship for the best PhD students within the NAWA STER program: "INTER-DOC"

Changed on Thursday, October 10, 2024 - 10:55

A PhD student at the Faculty of History of the University of Gdańsk in the discipline of "History" Mr. Anton Huz has received an annual scholarship within the project "Internationalization of Doctoral Schools of the University of Gdańsk”.

The Faculty of History PhD student Mr. Andrzej Cylwik's research internship at Valdosta State University, USA

Changed on Thursday, October 10, 2024 - 10:49

Mr. Andrzej Cylwik, PhD candidate from the first year of the UG Doctoral School of Humanities and Social Sciences, discipline History, participated in a research internship in the USA in the framework of the NAWA program (September 7-23, 2024). The supervisor of his thesis is Dr. Magdalena Nowak, Prof. UG.

Guest Fulbright Lecturer meets UG history students

Changed on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 08:40

On 17 April 2024, Patrick Leech of the History Department of Baylor University (USA) delivered a talk to a group of UG students entitled: Lilia Alvarez Szabó: Life of a global immigrant in the US. Leech is currently a Fulbright researcher at the Institute of History in the Research Centre for the Humanities in Budapest, Hungary where he uses digital humanities methodologies to help create web resources about Hungarian refugees after the 1956 Uprising.

Prof. UG, Ph.D. Magdalena Nowak 2023 Fall Semester Louie A. Brown Visiting International Scholar, Department of History, Valdosta State University, Georgia, USA

Changed on Friday, October 6, 2023 - 14:14

Dr. Magdalena Nowak has received the Brown Scholar Award at Valdosta State University, Georgia, USA and she spands Fall Semester 2023 in the US. She teaches "Public History in Poland", implementing modern teaching methods which aim is to increase student involvement, e.g. board games, field trips, quizzes, etc. Dr. Nowak has recently took part in joint classes with Prof. Dr. John Dunn that have been devoted to Solidarity 1980, Martial Law and the fall of communism in Poland in 1989.

American students from the Valdosta State University with Prof. Dr. John Dunn at the Faculty of History of the University of Gdańsk within "Summer Semester Study Abroad Poland"

Changed on Friday, October 6, 2023 - 13:49

The year 2023 brought deepening of the cooperation between the Faculty of History of the University of Gdańsk and Valdosta State University, Georgia USA. Prof. UG, Ph.D. Anna Mazurkiewicz coordinates the cooperation on behalf of the University of Gdańsk.

Presentation by the Prof. UG, dr hab. Magdalena Nowak - author of the book "ДВА СВІТИ. Проблема національної ідентифікації Андрея Шептицького в 1865–1914 роках"

Changed on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 - 11:08

We would like to invite you to watch the recording of the conversation about the Ukrainian translation of the book by prof. UG, dr hab. Magdalena Nowak on Metropolitan Sheptyts'kyi - ДВА СВІТИ. Проблема національної ідентифікації Андрея Шептицького в 1865–1914 роках, Переклав Андрій Павлишин, ВИДАВНИЦТВО «СВІЧАДО» – ВИДАВНИЦТВО ҐДАНСЬКОГО УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ. Львів–Ґданськ 2023).