About us

Our Institute

Institute of History of Art / University of Gdańsk

5 Bielańska Str.

80-851 Gdańsk



dr hab. Rafał Makała, prof. UG



Magdalena Staręga, PhD



Lucyna Ołdziej, MA

phone: +48 58 523 37 40

E-mail: hiszhs@ug.edu.pl


History of the Institute

In 1989 a three-person Division of History of Art was established under the leadership of Professor Teresa Grzybkowska, as part of the Institute of History at The University of Gdańsk. Its seat was initially located in Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz district, in a former Military College. Since 1995 it has been situated in the historic House of the Abbots of Pelplin in the Old Town.

During its formative years, the Division primarily focused on conducting didactic activities within the humanities program of studies at the University. Its scientific research relied mainly on the organization of conferences, the results of which were consecutively published in its affiliated academic journal – “Porta Aurea”.  

The inauguration of the first full educational program (three-year BA level) in 1998/1999 constituted an important turning point for the Division. In consequence, the number of academic teachers increased. This led to the further expansion of the program which from 2001 also included two-year MA studies.

In 2008 the Division was upgraded to become a Department, and next an independent Institute within the structure of the Faculty of History. Currently, it consists of four divisions. The academic year 2023/2024 saw the launch of the second BA program: Cultural heritage protection and museology.


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Submitted on Friday, 10. January 2025 - 14:42 by Monika Nagórska Changed on Friday, 10. January 2025 - 14:43 by Monika Nagórska